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Graduation Dinner 2015/16

The Class of 2016 (2K16) had their graduation dinner hosted by the directors on Wednesday 20th July, 2016. It was all glitz and glam as the graduands turned up all gorgeously dressed in nice suits and dresses.

The evening gradually warmed up after a session of praise and thanksgiving for six years of being together, studying hard and learning so much. The night featured fun games, speeches, awards, jokes and plenty to eat and drink.


The proprietor gave his speech in which he appreciated and thanked the set for being good children and admonished them to keep in touch with one another and to be committed to the Alumni group as they still had a lot of things to do together as a group. At Preston, it is a life-long relationship. It does not end after six years. More so, our agenda is to keep together and constitute a future force to reckon with in the change agenda of our people. It was thoroughly a well enjoyed evening.

Feast your eyes on more glamorous pictures here!