As part of our corporate social responsibility initiatives, we held our maiden Charity Concert on Friday, 18th December, 2015. The Preston community and its well wishers unanimously reached out to the physically challenged, visually impaired, hearing impaired, mentally retarded, orphans, vulnerable children and the center for rehabilitation of exceptional persons.
We are grateful to everyone who was a part of this epoch-making event. We exceeded our N1, 000,000 target as Prestonians gave up their snacks to raise almost N400, 000 to help their less privileged peers. Parents (including ex-parents) were in attendance. To our amazement, the mother of our pioneer President, Mrs. Adetoro made an appearance! Thanks also to the Preston Alumni of 2012, 2013, 2014 and 2015 for not only sending in their contributions, but also had a good number in attendance. Thanks to Ondo State government and the various Ministries that we worked with that made the day successful. The night was a huge, huge success and we thank God for the enabling grace. These photos speak for themselves. It was surely a night to remember!